“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40
He came not to be served but to serve. He healed the sick, comforted those who were suffering and connected with those on the margins of society, certainly not because of their moral or spiritual superiority, but out of love. He took our place and died on the cross for all of us sinners. He taught and sent others into the world to teach the same message, to love and to care for everyone without distinction. The love of Christ is the essence of the Gospel's message.
Using the scripture above as the foundation for our existence, we at Harvesters, seek not to miss an opportunity to love as Christ does, above all those who are most in need - the hungry, the homeless, the sick, the weak, the mistreated, those most marginalized in society - those we hear about day by day, in our cities or in faraway countries.
Our mission follows a simple yet powerful Biblical principle; recognizing Jesus in every person we are led to, casting aside religious legalism as well as old fashioned distinctions between rich and poor, educated and uneducated, the likable and unlikable, old and young, treating each person as Jesus would. That’s our mission and our calling at Harvesters.
The heart and lifeline of our ministry are the relationships that God has brought to our path, people and ministries in places within the U.S., Cuba, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina and Puerto Rico. This has nothing to do with wealth, neither how big nor influential our ministry associations may be. In fact, some of our most valued associations are found in some of the most remote and impoverished regions in the world. It's not about who oversees who, nor ranking according to status or authority. Everyone has talents, gifts, and resources, everyone is equally valued.
Our ministry is about relationships. It's about establishing key partnerships, in order to increase the effectiveness of a Kingdom-minded network.
We're seeking people and ministries that will promote self-confidence and reject selfishness. We want to associate with those who work hard in order to cultivate Christian leadership principles that will impact their cities and the world for that matter. We want to align ourselves with those who demonstrate the love and compassion of Christ unconditionally, and together lay the foundation for an exemplary cohesive effort. We want to work with those with a humble heart, those with a genuine interest to foster godly relationships for the advancement of God's kingdom, and not for personal gain.
We seek to connect with true victorious harvesters for Christ!